Item not found with id twitter-collector
The ANNIE named entity recognition service. Identifies names of
persons, locations, organizations, as well as
money amounts, time and date expressions.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Named entity recognition service for Twitter data. Identifies person,location, organization etc. and also performsnormalization of abbreviations and common shorthands ("brb", "gr8", "2day",etc.).
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Identifies named entities of various types in German documents, and disambiguates them against DBpedia.
800 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
Identifies named entities of various types in French documents, and disambiguates them against DBpedia.
800 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
Identifies biomedical named entities of various types, and disambiguates them against UMLS (Medical Subject Headings subset only).
800 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
Identifies biomedical named entities of various types, and disambiguates them against UMLS (Snomed subset only).
800 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
800 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
A named entity recognition service for documents in German.
Based on ANNIE, it identifies names of persons, locations,
and organizations.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
A named entity recognition service for documents in French.
Based on ANNIE, it identifies names of persons, locations,
and organizations.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
A named entity recognition service for documents in the Russian language.
Based on ANNIE, it identifies names of persons, locations,
organizations, as well as money amounts, time and date
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
A named entity recognition service for documents in the Russian language.
Based on ANNIE, it identifies names of persons, locations,
organizations, as well as money amounts, time and date
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Analyse French tweets for names of persons, locations and organizations. Also performs normalization of abbreviations and common Twitter slang.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Analyse German tweets for names of persons, locations and organizations. Also performs normalization of abbreviations and common Twitter slang.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Annotates tokens and sentences in English text, adding part-of-speech and morphological root and affix to each token.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Annotates named entities (person, location,
organization, date) as well as numbers and
measurement expressions.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
The DecarboNet environmental annotation service. Identifies named entities, environmental terms, linguistic features and sentiment in social media texts.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
The DecarboNet environmental annotation service. Identifies named entities, environmental terms, and sentiment in German language social media texts.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
600 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
Classifies a reply to a tweet based on its stance (support, deny, query, or comment) to the original
1,200 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
A service that tags abusive utterances. It will also tag UK members of parliament from 2015 to 2020, a range of politically relevant topics, and entities such as persons, locations, organizations and Twitter entities such as hashtags and user mentions.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Classifies a reply to a tweet based on it's stance (support, deny, query, or comment) to the original
1,200 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Annotates URLs to highlight potential credibility information on the domain at which they ultimately point.
1,200 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
Assigns COVID-19 vaccine information to one of several categories, including Safety Efficacy and Necessity, Development Provision and Access, Politics and Economics, Liberty/Freedom, Conspiracy, Morality Religiosity and Ethics
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Analyses text to find abusive phrases and attempts to determine who the abuse is aimed at. As well as finding abusive phrases it tags standard named entities, UK political topics/entities and, when processing Tweets, hashtags and user mentions.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
A multi-lingual OCR service that detects areas of text, extracts the text from each area, and then determines the language of each block of text.
150 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
1,200 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
A service which finds abusive utterances and idenitifies the politicians being abused. It currently knows abouut UK MPs from 2015 to 2022 and members of the Irish Dáil Éireann from 20th February 2020.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
A service which annnotates entities relating to politics in both the UK and Ireland. This includes politicians, government organizations, and related topics.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
1,200 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
Classifies a reply to a tweet based on its stance (support, deny, query, or comment) to the original, without needing access to the orignal tweet.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
1,200 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
1,200 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
Detect crop pests and diseases mentioned in the text, and the impact of the pest or disease on the crop.
150 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
1,200 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
Classifies a reply to a tweet based on its stance (support, deny, query, or comment) to the original -- this version is tuned to the rumours and topics that are of interest to Irish citizens and stakeholders.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
150 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
150 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
A service for analysing tweets about the UK's referendum on EU membership. It identifies topics, hashtags, user mentions, and voting intention (where possible).
1,200 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
Identifies archaeological named entities of various types in English based on the National Cultural Heritage Thesauri and Vocabularies (UK).
1,200 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
Identifies archaeological named entities of various types and relevant phrases in Dutch based on the Rijksdienst vor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE) Thesauri (NL).
1,200 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
A named entity recognition service for archaeology documents in English. Based on the National Cultural Heritage Thesauri and Vocabularies (UK) it identifies named entities of various types, terms and sentences relevant to dendrochology.
1,200 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
A named entity recognition service for archaeology documents in Dutch. Based on the Rijksdienst vor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE) Thesauri (NL) it identifies named entities of various types, terms and sentences relevant to dendrochology.
1,200 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
Determines the similarity between two news articles based on an embedding model, optionally supplemented with named entity information.
800 free requests / day
Batch processing not available
£0.50 / CPU hour
The SUMMA Text Summarization (EN) uses the SUMMA toolkit developed by Horacio Saggion to provide a generic English document summarizer.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
The SUMMA Text Summarization (ES) uses the SUMMA toolkit developed by Horacio Saggion to provide a generic Spanish document summarizer.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
The English tokeniser, sentence splitter, POS tagger,
phrase chunker and named-entity recogniser from
Apache OpenNLP.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
The German tokeniser, sentence splitter and POS tagger
from Apache OpenNLP.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
The Dutch tokeniser, sentence splitter, POS tagger,
phrase chunker and named-entity recogniser from
Apache OpenNLP.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
£4.99 + £0.15 / CPU hour
Universal Dependencies POS tagger for en / English
based on a simple window-based maximum entropy model.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Universal Dependencies POS tagger for bg / Bulgarian based on a simple window-based maximum entropy model.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Universal Dependencies POS tagger for pl / Polish based on a simple window-based maximum entropy model.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Universal Dependencies POS tagger for ca / Catalan
based on a simple window-based maximum entropy model.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Universal Dependencies POS tagger for el / Greek
based on a simple window-based maximum entropy model.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Universal Dependencies POS tagger for es / Spanish
based on a simple window-based maximum entropy model.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Universal Dependencies POS tagger for eu / Basque
based on a simple window-based maximum entropy model.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Universal Dependencies POS tagger for fi / Finnish
based on a simple window-based maximum entropy model.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Universal Dependencies POS tagger for hr / Croatian
based on a simple window-based maximum entropy model.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Universal Dependencies POS tagger for id / Indonesian
based on a simple window-based maximum entropy model.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Universal Dependencies POS tagger for nl / Dutch
based on a simple window-based maximum entropy model.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Universal Dependencies POS tagger for pt / Portugese
based on a simple window-based maximum entropy model.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Universal Dependencies POS tagger for ru / Russian
based on a simple window-based maximum entropy model.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour
Universal Dependencies POS tagger for sk / Slovak
based on a simple window-based maximum entropy model.
1,200 free requests / day
Larger batches £0.80 / CPU hour