Russian Named Entity Recognizer (basic)

A named entity recognition pipeline that identifies basic entity types, such as Person, Location, Organization, Money amounts, Time and Date expressions. It works on documents in the Russian language.
Default annotations | |
:Person | Standard named entity types |
:Location | |
:Organization | |
:Date | |
:Address | Includes email and IP addresses as well as street addresses |
Additional annotations available if selected | |
:Money | Monetary amounts |
:Percent | Expressions representing percentages |
:Token | The individual tokens of the text, with "category" feature for POS |
:SpaceToken | The spaces between tokens |
:Sentence | Sentences detected by the sentence splitter |
:Lookup | Individual gazetteer lookups |
:MSD | "Morpho-Syntactic Description" for selected tokens, including features for "lemma" (the base form of inflected words) and "type" (roughly equivalent to a part of speech tag in English, though more complex as it encodes features such as gender, grammatical case, etc.) |
Use this pipeline
You can process up to 1,200 documents per day free of charge using the REST API, at an average rate of 2 documents/sec. Higher quotas are available for research users by arrangement, contact us for details.
The API endpoint for this pipeline is:
You can process any amount of data with this pipeline on a pay-as-you-go basis, for GBP0.80 per hour. This can be data you upload yourself, data you collected from Twitter, or the results of a previous job.