BioYODIE Named Entity Disambiguation (MeSH only)
Bio-YODIE is a named entity recognition and disambiguation system that identifies various types of biomedical named entities in text and attempts to link them to the most appropriate concept label in the UMLS. This version of Bio-YODIE uses only the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) vocabulary from UMLS version 2018AB.Default annotations | |
Bio:Drug | Named entity mentions grouped into broad types, with class and inst features where available. |
Bio:Disease | |
Bio:Anatomy | |
Bio:Investigation | |
Bio:Care | |
Bio:Observation | |
Additional annotations available if selected | |
Bio:Mention | Any named entity annotation with UMLS class and inst features |
Bio:Body_Location_or_Region | Specific types of entities corresponding to the top-level TUI classifications in UMLS. Every instance of one of these types will correspond to a Mention but there may be other mentions that are not under these TUIs. |
Bio:Body_Part_Organ_or_Organ_Component | |
Bio:Body_Space_or_Junction | |
Bio:Body_System | |
Bio:Tissue | |
Bio:Anatomical_Abnormality | |
Bio:Acquired_Abnormality | |
Bio:Congenital_Abnormality | |
Bio:Finding | |
Bio:Injury_or_Poisoning | |
Bio:Pathologic_Function | |
Bio:Disease_or_Syndrome | |
Bio:Mental_or_Behavioral_Dysfunction | |
Bio:Mental_Process | |
Bio:Cell_or_Molecular_Dysfunction | |
Bio:Experimental_Model_of_Disease | |
Bio:Sign_or_Symptom | |
Bio:Neoplastic_Process | |
Bio:Diagnostic_Procedure | |
Bio:Laboratory_Procedure | |
Bio:Laboratory_or_Test_Result | |
Bio:Research_Activity | |
Bio:Molecular_Biology_Research_Technique | |
Bio:Clinical_Drug | |
Bio:Pharmacologic_Substance | |
Bio:Antibiotic |
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