BioYODIE Named Entity Disambiguation

Default annotations | |
Bio:Drug | Named entity mentions grouped into broad types, with class and inst features where available. |
Bio:Disease | |
Bio:Anatomy | |
Bio:Investigation | |
Bio:Care | |
Bio:Observation | |
Additional annotations available if selected | |
Bio:Mention | Any named entity annotation with UMLS class and inst features |
Bio:Body_Location_or_Region | Specific types of entities corresponding to the top-level TUI classifications in UMLS. Every instance of one of these types will correspond to a Mention but there may be other mentions that are not under these TUIs. |
Bio:Body_Part_Organ_or_Organ_Component | |
Bio:Body_Space_or_Junction | |
Bio:Body_System | |
Bio:Tissue | |
Bio:Anatomical_Abnormality | |
Bio:Acquired_Abnormality | |
Bio:Congenital_Abnormality | |
Bio:Finding | |
Bio:Injury_or_Poisoning | |
Bio:Pathologic_Function | |
Bio:Disease_or_Syndrome | |
Bio:Mental_or_Behavioral_Dysfunction | |
Bio:Mental_Process | |
Bio:Cell_or_Molecular_Dysfunction | |
Bio:Experimental_Model_of_Disease | |
Bio:Sign_or_Symptom | |
Bio:Neoplastic_Process | |
Bio:Diagnostic_Procedure | |
Bio:Laboratory_Procedure | |
Bio:Laboratory_or_Test_Result | |
Bio:Research_Activity | |
Bio:Molecular_Biology_Research_Technique | |
Bio:Clinical_Drug | |
Bio:Pharmacologic_Substance | |
Bio:Antibiotic |
This version of Bio-YODIE includes terms from the following UMLS vocabularies:
- Alcohol and Other Drug Thesaurus
- Alternative Billing Concepts
- Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System
- Authorized Osteopathic Thesaurus
- Beth Israel Problem List
- BioCarta online maps of molecular pathways, adapted for NCI use
- Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group Model
- Cancer Research Center of Hawaii Nutrition Terminology
- Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program - Simple Disease Classification
- CDISC Glossary Terminology
- Clinical Care Classification
- Clinical Classifications Software
- Clinical Classifications Software 10
- Clinical Concepts by R A Miller
- Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium
- Clinical Problem Statements
- Clinical Trials Reporting Program
- Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events
- Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events 3.0
- Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events 5.0
- Congenital Mental Retardation Syndromes
- Consumer Health Vocabulary
- Content Archive Resource Exchange Lexicon
- CRISP Thesaurus
- Current Dental Terminology
- Current Dental Terminology in HCPCS
- Current Procedural Terminology
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition
- Digital Anatomist
- Digital Imaging Communications in Medicine
- Diseases Database
- DrugBank
- DXplain
- FDA Structured Product Labels
- FDB MedKnowledge
- Foundational Model of Anatomy
- Gene Ontology
- Geopolitical Entities, Names, and Codes (GENC) Standard Edition 1
- lobal Alignment of Immunization Safety Assessment in pregnancy
- Glossary of Clinical Epidemiologic Terms
- Gold Standard Drug Database
- HCPCS Hierarchical Terms (UMLS)
- Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
- HL7 Version 2.5
- HL7 Version 3.0
- HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
- Human Phenotype Ontology
- ICD-10 Procedure Coding System
- ICD-10, American English Equivalents
- ICD-10, Australian Modification
- ICD-10, Australian Modification, Americanized English Equivalents
- ICD-9-CM Entry Terms
- ICPC2-ICD10 Thesaurus
- ICPC2E American English Equivalents
- ICPC2E-ICD10 Thesaurus, American English Equivalents
- International Classification for Nursing Practice
- International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision
- International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification
- International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification
- International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
- International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth
- International Classification of Primary Care
- International Classification of Primary Care, 2nd Edition, Electronic
- International Conference on Harmonization
- Jackson Laboratories Mouse Terminology, adapted for NCI use
- KEGG Pathway Database
- Library of Congress Subject Headings
- Library of Congress Subject Headings, Northwestern University subset
- Manufacturers of Vaccines
- MedDRA
- Medical Entities Dictionary
- Medication Reference Terminology
- MedlinePlus Health Topics
- MeSH
- Metathesaurus CMS Formulary Reference File
- Metathesaurus Names
- Micromedex
- Minimal Standard Terminology (UMLS)
- Multum
- NANDA-I Taxonomy
- National Cancer Institute Nature Pathway Interaction Database
- National Council for Prescription Drug Programs
- National Drug File
- National Drug File - FDASPL
- National Drug File - FMTSME
- National Drug File - Reference Terminology
- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
- National Uniform Claim Committee - Health Care Provider Taxonomy
- NCI Developmental Therapeutics Program
- NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms
- NCI Division of Cancer Prevention Program
- NCI Health Level 7
- NCI HUGO Gene Nomenclature
- NCI SEER ICD Mappings
- NCI Thesaurus
- Neuronames Brain Hierarchy
- Nursing Interventions Classification
- Nursing Outcomes Classification
- Omaha System
- Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
- Patient Care Data Set
- Perioperative Nursing Data Set
- Pharmacy Practice Activity Classification
- Physician Data Query
- Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System
- Psychological Index Terms
- Quick Medical Reference
- Read Codes
- Read Codes Am Engl
- Read Codes Am Synth
- Read Codes Synth
- Registry Nomenclature Information System
- SNOMED 1982
- SNOMED Intl 1998
- Source of Payment Typology
- Source Terminology Names (UMLS)
- Standard Product Nomenclature
- U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- UltraSTAR
- Unified Code for Units of Measure
- Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System
- US Edition of SNOMED CT
- USP Compendial Nomenclature
- USP Model Guidelines
- Vaccines Administered
- Veterinary Extension to SNOMED CT
- Zebrafish Model Organism Database
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